Oh My Food
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Oh My Food

Mobile First

A restaurant site.

Photo d'un plat

Enhance a mobile site’s interface with CSS animations


This project involved working on the mobile-first interface for a startup’s website.

I used Sass, implemented CSS animations, and versioned my project with Git and GitHub.

My main task was to integrate a mobile-first design.

I had access to mobile and desktop mockups, the prototype on Figma, as well as the necessary images and text. This mobile-first approach allowed me to understand the importance of designing adaptive and responsive websites.

I learned to implement CSS animations to enhance the user experience of the site. These animations brought the interface to life, making navigation more interactive and engaging.

Using SASS, a CSS preprocessor, was essential to extend the basic functionalities of CSS. It helped me write more organized and maintainable styles.

Finally, I versioned my project with Git and GitHub, familiarizing myself with these essential tools for managing and collaborating on web development projects.

Work done

  • Versioned the project with Git and GitHub
  • Integrated a mobile-first design
  • Implemented CSS animations