Sophie Bluel
All Projects

Sophie Bluel


A Photographer Portfolio

Portrait Sophie Bluel

Create a dynamic web page with JavaScript


This project involved creating a dynamic web page for an interior architect’s website using JavaScript and communicating with an API.

I worked on the front end of the site, developing the presentation page for the architect’s work from the provided HTML. This included handling user events and manipulating DOM elements with JavaScript.

I also created a login page for the site administrator and a modal for uploading new media.

These elements were developed from scratch, providing an opportunity to deeply practice my JavaScript skills.

For the first time, I accessed backend code to test functionalities. I learned to communicate with an API, which is crucial for modern web applications.

I used Figma to access the mockups, Visual Studio Code for development, and GitHub for version control.

Work done

  • Managed user events with JavaScript
  • Manipulated DOM elements with JavaScript
  • Retrieved user data in JavaScript via forms